How Hemp Helps the Planet
Our Team. ​
The Florida Hemp Initiative was founded by the Florida Cannabis Action Network. It was the efforts of one man, Bob Clayton of the Tarpon Springs Hemp House, who made the initiative gel. Bob brought together business interests and the Hemp Industrial Association into the effort to change laws. In 2016, thanks to the tireless efforts of Florida State Representative Michelle RehWinkel-Vasilinda and our team, the state passed legislation allowing our land grant
Universities to grow hemp in line with the U.S. Farm Act. If your organization is interested in joining the Florida Hemp Initiative, we’d love to add you to the team. We meet together regularly by phone throughout the year and in person during legislative session.
Bob Clayton
Bob wanted the most environmentally-friendly house he could find and he used HempCrete to make it happen. That was the beginning of an odyssey into the value of hemp and the crazy-relationship it has with its cousin cannabis. Bob represents the Hemp Industrial Association in Florida.
Ethel Rowland
Ethel just wants a hedge in her yard. She has studied both history and law; while you can't change history, you can change the law. That is why Ethel serves as the President of the Florida Cannabis Action Network; to change laws. Ethel supports the whole plant for all its uses - food, fuel, fiber, pharmacopoeia and fun.
HIA -Hemp Industrial Association
HIA is a non-profit trade association representing businesses, farmers, researchers and investors working with industrial hemp. They are at the forefront of the drive for fair and equal treatment of industrial hemp. HIA is dedicated to education, industry development, and the accelerated expansion of hemp world market supply and demand.
Jodi James
Jodi has brought form and order to the Florida Hemp Initiative since its conception in 2011. She works in Tallahassee during legislative session to raise the profile of our organization and keep legislation progressing.